The Six Fanarts challenge is an art challenge that emerged online during the midst of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. With artists everywhere finding themselves with a little more time on their hands than usual, it became very popular very quickly.
Artists would ask for suggestions on who to draw via social media, and would then post their updates one at a time. My take on this challenge proved popular and enjoyable enough that I ended up doing 3 volumes
This was such a great exercise for me, I used it as a means of practising values, colouring and drawing faster. Aiming to finish each individual illustration within one and a half hours.
In 2021, with the coronavirus pandemic still ongoing - I created a fourth volume for the series. I had planned to do 3 volumes as I had in 2020, but eventually became tied up with other projects.
Above is the finished collection of illustrations from all 4 volumes; resulting in 24 total characters.
Below you can see the individual completed volumes.
Six Fanarts - Volume 1 (2020)
Six Fanarts - Volume 2 (2020)
Six Fanarts - Volume 3 (2020)
Six Fanarts - Volume 4 (2021)
Personal project (Fan art)
2020 - 2021