Stranger Things Poster
Illustrated in Procreate, coloured and assembled in Adobe Photoshop.
Due to the nature of Procreate having a maximum canvas size limit, the poster was predominantly drawn in two sections and then stitched together in Adobe Photoshop.
Additional illustration work such as background elements and the fireworks were done on separate canvasses on Procreate at the correct size and then added back in on Photoshop.
As you can see here I actually drew a fair bit more of the background locations than was ultimately necessary, but doing it this way afforded me more flexibility in the final composition.
This is the poster drawing fully assembled with the border effects and logo placement. From here I coloured the the piece as a whole, adding effects such as lighting on the logo at the same time to create a cohesive image.
Below you can see an animation of the colours coming together once the piece was fully assembled.
Animated GIF showing the progress of colouring the illustration and adding finishing touches.
Some time after posting the work online I was approached by Spanish book publisher Monsa to feature the poster in their Stranger Things book.
They later asked for my work to also be featured as the cover art, for which I also a designed a new title treatment.